Friday, December 2, 2011

Hollywoods Most Daring Fashion Icons

Hollywood is not just about the glitz, glam, and expensive fashion pieces. It is also about how crazy you can dress--no one will care because you're a celebrity. The fashion icons who dress wild and crazy are  Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj. Some may wonder how they can be fashion icons when their outfits are so outrageous and more like costumes. These celebrities seem more concerned about making a statement to their fans just to be themselves.

Probably one of the most famous examples of costume-like fashion pieces are from Lady Gaga. She has gone to such extremes as dressing like a guy for the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards to covering her face completely with masks on the red carpet. And  let's not forget her meat dress or her peacock dress and awkwardly shaped high heels. Now Gaga is not crazy; she dresses in these strange ways to get others' attention and to say that it is OK to be different.

Nicki Minaj is another female celebrity who dresses eccentrically--  colored wigs and costume-like outfits, qualifying her as not only a music icon but also a fashion icon. Although she does wear some tight and revealing clothing, Nicki says it is only to show that you should feel comfortable within your body-- everyone, whether curvy, thin, or in between, should feel comfortable with their bodies, and Nicki Minaj is a great example of someone who does. Now one may not have to dress as wildly as she does to be oneself, but one shouldn't be afraid to wear that piece of clothing that is a bit tighter than the usual.

Caution:  you might want to reconsider, though, if you're considering stepping out in a meat dress.